To, The Givers... With Love
The givers of help, love, hope, and reassurance willingly spread their arms to embrace everyone who needs to be held, guided, and listened to. We come across a lot of people on a daily basis whose lives we touch in one way or the other. Sometimes, our presence lightens up the atmosphere, our words brighten the souls, and the other times our humble and patient listening makes people feel better and calmer. I've experienced all of this ever since I managed to look within. I've met beautiful souls who were as bright as the sun, but were scared of the heavy clouds. As they shone through the clouds, I felt the world getting brighter and even more beautiful. It's all energy, you see? Some people call it your vibe or vibration or aura or the X-factor that makes them feel that something is good about you. As you dig deeper in the vast ocean of your soul, you start becoming your higher self. Your energies are positive and strong. Your aura is vibrant and influencing! In scienti...