Did you just ask "Why me? " Here's why.

To be honest,  I've been one of those who has always asked this question in every wrong situation I found myself in. It was all well when I followed the ideal way, did things right, did everything to the best of my ability, put my heart and soul into everything I did, and expected good results.
But you know what? I just forgot a very simple thing. It wasn't me but my conditioning that made me think about the results. The world has always made us fear the results. Be it academics, finances, startups or something as simple as cooking a dish. We have always been too much obsessed with the results, not only of ours but the results of the rest of the world as well.

And we always ask "why me". I got my answer to this question a year ago, and I found out that I was just supposed to carry on with my work. That's it! The results were not in my hands. They never were. And failing is a part of life. Success gives you happiness but failure teaches you life lessons which are important as well. Accept and embrace your failures the way you embrace your successes. The moment I stopped putting on too much pressure about the results, my life became much simpler. Work became a joy because the stress of succeeding had lifted. I was ready to accept the results. Every time I failed, I thought to myself "if I failed at this, something interesting is yet to be explored. Something is out of my sight, which is just going to be wonderful." And I believed that I deserve the best even if it meant learning the best lesson from the harshest failures.
Whenever you fail, you try again. But to doubt yourself this time because of the past will never make you reach that finish line. Whatever you think goes out to the Universe, only to be reflected as an equal and opposite reaction. If you fear that you'll fail, the Universe will manifest it and return it to you, because you asked for it. You sent it out too strongly that it came back to you with the same intensity. The moment I actually applied Newton's third law to my life, it expanded. The moment I started thinking negative, I got surrounded by negativity and the vicious cycle continued. It only stopped with a ray of happiness and positivity. The more I thought positively, the better the Universe treated me with beautiful things. When you start fearing the failure or when you start thinking "What if I don't get through?  There are people better than me", you actually send this message out and receive a similar reply. You actually find yourself standing nowhere. How do you think the world will notice your brilliance when you do not undoubtedly think so for yourself?

And it is not just limited to your future, it applies to everything. Be it finances, your relationship, your friendship, or your workplace. If you think you'll compromise for your love, you'll keep on hitting yourself with compromises. But, my dear friend, lemme tell you the truth, love isn't about compromises, it's about setting yourself free, feeling happy and just like home. Love doesn't hurt, it's the negativity that you attach it with that hurts you. Things like possessiveness, obsession, doubt, fear, oppression, abuse, disrespect make you think you will bump into wrong people. Just remember one thing, you're free to love with all your heart, and if you believe you'll get someone who will love you selflessly, you'll always get such gifts from the Universe. If you think "it always happens to me. People always cheat on me. Everyone is the same. People hurt me in relationships. I did everything and I still got hurt. Why me?", then it will reflect in your life situation as well. You'll end up trapped in the same turn of events. I know it's not easy to lift yourself up in such situations but all it takes is a ray of light to pierce through the darkness, a simple gesture of love for yourself to set things right. On a funny note, whenever I ended up with challenging people, I thought to myself "it's their loss. They've lost an amazing person." This helped to move on initially and I started getting a grip. But, soon enough I learned that I always believed in true love. I knew it existed because if this wasn't so, I wouldn't have been born to such an amazing mother. I wouldn't have had such beautiful friends. I kept believing in the magic of love. And since I believed in it so strongly, I surprisingly not only received true love, but I also noticed myself being more affectionate with people and vice versa. I started feeling that I was swimming in a huge pool of love, and I thought that if it can happen in my life, it can happen to the world. Everyone will start loving everyone else and together we can make this world a better place. The key is to believe in magic and fairytales. You never know you're the next one telling people about yours.

 - Dr. Anushikha Dhankhar


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